About Me

🏳️‍⚧️ Gender

MtF (No limitation for pronouns), currently under RLE 🎀 No future plan for HRT due to health reasons

🎮 Gaming

I’ve played a few games, mostly on PC. I cannot say that I have good taste, but here are some of my favourites.

  1. Open-world (e.g. Cyberpunk2077, Prototype I&II)
  2. Soul-like (e.g. Sekiro, Elden Ring)
  3. Detective visual stories (e.g. Danganoronpa, Paradise Killer)

📚 Reading

I am still trying to get to know more about the world. Some of my favourite book types:

  1. Cthulhu and other thriller novels 🐙
  2. Philosophy (just a beginner)
  3. History (also a beginner)

🎷 Music

I’ve been a fan of niche music. Some of them:

  1. Citypop
  2. Vaporwave / Synthwave
  3. Weirdcore / Dreamcore
  4. Chinese Electro pop